The Traveling Circus !!!!

I think people already know I joined team The Traveling Circus .

They made a very cool video for me :

My Introduction

I am so happy to join TTC , and have good teammates like Tokido and Toxy .

Hoping I could join more tournament in this year !!!

Thanks everyone who supported me !!!!

About GamerBeeTW

My Game Tag is GamerBee , I play Street Fighter 4 , and I am from Taiwan .
本篇發表於 SSF4 AE。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

20 Responses to The Traveling Circus !!!!

  1. glassprison89 說道:

    Awesome! Congratulations man, you deserved it. How exciting to be on the same team as Tokido. Good luck this year gamerbee!

  2. danhon 說道:

    話說..那bee tee..作的很好看..

  3. CookieCarnage 說道:

    When can we get the Shirts!! They look great

  4. xRELLIKx 說道:

    NICCEEE!!! right on man!

    I guess you’ll be training like mad for the revelations tournament, eh? ;]

  5. 風之子 說道:



  6. nanashi 說道:


  7. 元气满满 說道:

    還是那句: 加油哦! 期待你在未來的表現。T恤是訂了兩件 (一件收藏﹔一件拿來穿)。希望這微小的舉動能夠幫到你一些。如果你叫廠商推出無袖的我可能會再定幾件。

  8. TAKA89MA 說道:

    Congratulations GAMERBEE! I hope someday TTC team conquer the tournament!
    Anyway, I think that you concentrate on SSF4AE, but aren’t you going to play MVC3?
    Tokido announce in his blog that he’ll challenge Justing Wong and Yipes, so, How about you?
    I think MVC3 will be mainstream on American tournament, for decade, so if you are going to challenge this title, It’ll be help your Professional fighting game life! Keep flying bee!

  9. 6tan 說道:

    恭喜小向~~ !!

  10. Tomy Huang 說道:


  11. JS Master 說道:

